SFT Advance Semi-Automatic Shotgun Shooting – 12 GA

From: $140.00

A black shotgun with a long barrel and a white background


AS-ASS is a 3 hour private lesson for shooters who excel at firing tight consistent shot groups center mass, have experience shooting larger pistol calibers, and begin to operate at a high skill level. APS challenges shooters by focusing on precision shooting of a variety of targets, increasing the distance of targets, increasing the rate of fire, and by running shooting drills of different combat scenarios.

Students practice giving verbal commands, engaging multiple targets at once, hip fire, hostage targets, aimed & point shooting, body armor drill. AS-ASS consists of one 12 GA semi-automatic shotgun, eye & ear protection, and targets. Students must bring 300 rounds of ammo or purchase ammo from SFT.


Prerequisites – SFT Intermediate Semi-Automatic Shotgun Shooting (INS-ASS)