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NRA Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO)
From: $300.00

CRSO is an 8-hour course that develops the skills essential to training & supervising NRA Range Safety Officers (RSO) and teaches the creation & implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for various facility types and grounds. CRSOs are able to teach the RSO course, certify individuals as RSOs, and assume overall responsibility for the safe handling & shooting of firearms on range property as outlined by the SOP.
The course covers the roles/duties of the CRSO, elements of a good SOP, ways to limit civil & criminal liability, ensuring emergency procedures/equipment/rehearsals are in place and effective, range inspections, safety briefings, range operations, eating/smoking/drinking/hygiene guidelines, range limitations, shooting activities/events, and monitoring safety on & off the firing line. Instructor Candidates (IC) will demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises & complete a written exam. IC will receive RSO lesson plans, student packets, & PowerPoint.
Prerequisites – NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO)